Make the COE Your Home Today!

One-stop for all things entrepreneurship and strategy.

In Lesson 1, unpack the ugly truths about being mentally prepared to run a business, making God our CEO, and overcoming childhood and financial trauma in order to show up as our best selves.

You Should Enroll If

  • You're Seeing Little to No Revenue

    You are a current business and are not seeing the revenue you'd like.

  • Your Business is Missing a Sales Funnel

    You are a current business owner and not using email marketing strategies or evergreen sales funnels.

  • You Don't Have a Starting Point

    You are an aspiring business owner and have no clue where to start.

  • You're Lacking a Strategy

    You are a current or aspiring business owner and would like to structure your business with revenue and impact generating strategy.

  • You Have a Burning Passion

    You are a current or aspiring business owner and you have a burning passion for what you do.

Flexible pricing options

We know investments are a big deal! So, we've made ours affordable and flexible! Grab the on-demand lessons bundle (Dean's List) and pay your tuition all at one or split it up over 2 months, your choice!


Founder, Chief Strategist

Jaye Washington

Jaye Washington is the CEO and Chief Strategist at The Savvy Solution where she: Provides Corporate and Executive Communications Strategy for businesses and organizations Operates Miss Jaye’s Resumes- resume writing and editing services Hosts the School of Life Podcast, a transparent and uncut safe space for all things adulting, and Runs The School of Life Academy- an online academy that provides courses on all things adulting. She is a two-time graduate of Delaware State University, and holds a Master’s of Public Administration and Bachelor’s of Arts in Mass Communications degree; and has plans to further her education. In her down time, when she is not attempting to save the world, Jaye enjoys spending time with her loved ones, shopping, traveling, snuggling with a good book, and giving back to young girls. Jaye is a native of Birmingham, Alabama and currently resides in Delray Beach, Florida.

Got Questions?

No problem, we have answers!

For any question not answered in our list of Frequently Asked Questions or Standard Operating Procedures (located in the COE Student Center), feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].